As a certified B Corp and mission-driven company, we publish an annual impact report to share with our community of team, clients, our online audiences, and the general public. For B Corps, transparency is essential.
If 2020 was a dream of shock and fear, 2021 started with the attack on our nation’s capital and the promise of vaccines that rolled out slowly and unevenly throughout the world and were ultimately tempered by political dissension and new variants.
However, through the fire, many people, companies, and communities found success in their grit and perseverance. Read on to learn about Colibri Digital Marketing’s fantastic year of growth and success in 2021.
About Colibri Digital Marketing
Colibri Digital Marketing collaborates with a carefully chosen circle of like-minded clients to create practical, actionable digital marketing plans, use analytics to understand what’s creating success, and during these turbulent times, support pivots as necessary.
As a full-service digital agency, Colibri Digital Marketing’s team of specialists implement industry best practices and the latest marketing technologies to build brands, expand reach, and drive leads and conversions. Marketing translation is our superpower.
In business since 2012 and first certified as a B Corp in 2016, Colibri Digital Marketing is San Francisco’s first and only bilingual, full-service B Corp-certified digital marketing agency. We are woman-owned and LGBTBE-certified through the NGLCC.
Marketing by its nature stimulates consumerism, and for that reason, Colibri Digital Marketing seeks to set a values and ethics-based industry standard that motivates clients and colleagues to use their power as business owners, brands, and influencers to create a socially and environmentally sustainable present and future. Our goal is to educate, empower, and inspire every individual and business we touch.
¡Se Habla Español!
Our clients range from socially conscious startups and nonprofits to e-commerce businesses, authors, and brick-and-mortar businesses that are looking to build their companies through digital marketing transformation. In 2021, we began actively cultivating nonprofits and companies that want to reach the $1.7 trillion Spanish-speaking market.
We use a collaborative approach to partner with people and organizations that need support crossing the digital divide.
B-Corp Certification
Get all the details about our certification by clicking the image below:

2021 Highlights, What A Year!
- Best year ever! We had our highest-revenue year ever.
- We became a California Benefit Corporation. It’s been a long time coming, but now it is official: we are mission-locked!
- We expanded our team. 2021 was an excellent year for us, and we started 2021 hoping to grow even more. This year, we were able to add six new colibris to the charm!
- We partnered with accessiBe. One of our goals is a 100% accessible worldwide web. If you agree, use our partner link to make your website accessible.
- We provided over $50,000 of pro bono services. We gave back to our community in a big way, supporting the LGBTQ+, Black-owned, and unsheltered communities.
Since 2012, we have grown from a freelance-style marketing consultancy to, in 2016, a B Corp certified remote, full-service digital marketing agency. In 2021, Colibri Digital Marketing moved to become a California Benefit Corporation.
The Outstanding #TeamColibri
This year we hired:
- Simón Keller, Analytics Specialist (Latino)
- Diego Cirigliano, Graphic Designer (Latino)
- Hayley Simons, Content Manager (our first employee!)
- Estefanía Vieito, Social Media Manager (Latina)
- Camila González, Social Media Manager (Latina)
We partnered with:
- HigherRing (Woman-owned, B Corp-certified)
- Unity Web Agency (LGBT woman-owned, B Corp-certified)
- Browne Accounting (B Corp-certified)
- Mariah Nichols (Woman-owned)
- Inbound Back Office (Woman-owned)
- Flo Content (Woman-owned)
- accessiBe, an AI-powered accessibility app to help achieve the goal of 100% accessible websites. Learn more about how making your website accessible benefits your business.
We Recruited diverse business owners to participate in our IG Lives. The list of people that participated:
- Jason Nelson – Heritage Swag
- Jonathan DeYoe – Mindful Money (@mindfulmoneyplan)
- Jean Sullivan – ABOWSF and ITTPilates (@abodyofworksf)
- Jihan Bazile – BABE Collective (@babe.collective)
- Shelley Golden – image consultant and Zoom makeover expert (@shelleyegolden)
- Travis Marsh – Human First Works (@travismarsh)
- Ayelén Giraudo – Win and Winnow @winandwinnow
- David Raycroft – BabbleBuy (@babble_buy)
- Anita Casalina – San Francisco Media Group ( @sfmediagp )
- Maya Johansson – Well Clinic San Francisco ( @wellclinicsf )
We do pro bono work, give to charities, and develop talent each year. Keep reading to learn about our 2021 community work.
Pro Bono Work
- Provided over $24,000 in pro bono work to the Golden Gate Business Association
- Supplied $25,000 in pro bono work to QuickHaven, a benefit corporation seeking startup funding to create temporary and emergency shelters for people without homes and disaster victims.
- Provided over $25,000 pro bono work to Nika Cherrelle, a woman-owned company seeking to promote a healthy relationship with sexuality.
Charity/ Political Contributions
- New Ventures: $275
- Children for Children International: $306
- Hip Hop for Change: $225
- Other/Political: $51.10
Colibri Digital Marketing believes in lifelong learning and teaching, and discovering from others. We believe everyone has a voice to share something we can all benefit from. It’s fun to learn together.
In 2021, we:
- We partnered with Accion Opportunity Fund to provide a webinar on Digital Marketing Basics for Small Businesses.
- We volunteered at Menlo College for Mock Interview Day. Each year, employers from around the Bay Area sign up to help Menlo undergraduates practice their interviewing skills to anticipate their upcoming summer internship search. Our team took the time to meet young professionals, interview them, and give them feedback in preparation for future interviews in their professional fields.
- Our CEO, Anna Colibri, guest lectured at Menlo College for three courses on ethical marketing.
- We sponsored the Project Calibrate Hackathon, a school project to encourage students to learn about digital marketing.
Colibri Institute
We are proud of Colibri Institute. It offers people from all over the world an opportunity to get hands-on experiences with digital marketing. We love getting to know new people and watching them flourish.
- Onboarded, trained and supervised 13 interns (1 Hindi, 2 Asians, 2 Latinos, 4 Whites, 4 Bi-racial, and 1 LGBTQ). Several of our colibris have gone into full-time digital marketing work.
- Partnered with Project Calibrate to provide training and knowledge to high school interns.
We’re looking for new talent. If you’re interested in an internship, contact Join our charm!
In 2021, we:
- We have purchased carbon offsets.
- We purchased 100% renewable energy through San Francisco’s partnership with PG&E.
- Used green servers to power our website and our client websites.
- Purchased a solar panel to charge back up battery as part of our “move towards solar powering” business.
- Sent a Solar Panel to our team in Venezuela.
In 2021:
- 10% of our clients were B Corp certified.
- 50% of our clients were mission-aligned or nonprofit organizations.
- 90% of the businesses we worked with were local.
- 75% of our clients were woman-owned or woman-led.
- 30% of our clients were minority-owned.
2022 Goals
“Goals give you a compass to direct your path through life. Goals focus your thoughts and actions on areas that have precise purpose and meaning.” – Catherine Pulsifer.
For 2022, here’s what we’ve got in the works:
We achieved California Benefit Corporation status in 2021, which was a big transition, and we’re proud of it. In 2022, our goal is to explore how to build on our new governance structure to meet our triple bottom line business goals.
Goal: Create a plan for best practice triple bottom line corporate governance.
Because we became a California Benefit Corporation, we hired our first two employees in 2021. It is important to note that the vast majority of our team works from Venezuela and cannot be employed as workers.
Even though our team members cannot be legally or financially recognized employees, we are promoting three critical members of the team:

Alessandra Illarramendi will become CEO

Andreina Villegas will become CMO.
Maria Perez will become COO.
These changes will recognize and honor the effort and expertise of these amazing women.
Goal: Continue to provide opportunities to workers in Venezuela and other high-risk, low-opportunity communities and countries.
In 2022, we will continue to provide partial pro bono work to QuickHaven. With our support as an outsourced marketing team, QuickHaven exceeded its revenue goals for 2021, employed four unhoused team members, and secured contracts to house 47 unsheltered people with its tiny homes. We couldn’t be more proud.
Goals: Continue to support QuickHaven’s efforts to provide opportunity and housing to the unsheltered; continue to provide educational opportunity to students and those experiencing career transitions through our Colibri Institute, and continue to provide pro bono other online educational experiences to mission-aligned partners.
We are a relatively low carbon footprint organization. However, we can do even better.
Goals: Continue to purchase carbon offsets and find ways to provide solar power to our team (even those living in high-rise buildings), and expand its use.
We love working locally with women and minority business owners, the LGBTQ+ community, and mission-aligned businesses from anywhere.
In 2021, we planned to enter the world of e-commerce to offer low-cost training to diverse businesses across the globe and sell products made by clients, partners, and our social media audience. We made headway! We created the e-commerce infrastructure.
In 2022, we will continue to write blogs and publish across the internet in Spanish and English with the specific goal of serving the $1.7 trillion US Latino market with digital marketing translation and transcreation services.
Goals: Cultivate women, minority, LGBTQ+ business owners, and mission-aligned businesses; provide digital marketing translation and transcreation services; and begin selling digital marketing courses in Spanish and English along with very cool products designed by people we love.
Finally, t most important thing we did in 2021 was #LeadWithLove. You can read about what leading with love means to #TeamColibri here.
Until next year, we wish you peace, prosperity, and good health.
All the best,
Anna and #TeamColibri.
Ready to start your journey to mission-aligned marketing excellence? Click the button below to schedule a 30-minute complimentary strategy session with Colibri Digital Marketing.